232 Warwick Street | Watford, Ontario N0M 2S0 | Phone: (519) 876-2218 | Email: office@dennings.ca
Obituary of Humboldt Broncos families and community
We, along with all the communities we serve have been saddened and devastated by the tragedy in Humboldt, Saskatchewan. We wanted to create a way for folks to send their condolences to the families and community of Humboldt. Please feel free to share your condolences here on this page or at one of the Funeral Homes where we will have a register book and candle setup in the main entrance. We will in time create a lasting memorial book to be sent to Saskatchewan from the communities we serve. We will have register books and candles setup at the following locations by Friday morning.
Strathroy- 32 Metcalfe Street West
St. Thomas- 10 Mondamin Street
Chatham- 4 Victoria Street
Rodney- 212 Furnival Rd.
Forest- 9 James Street South